
How Social Media Grows a Network

By: Network Lead Exchange

How Social Media Grows a Network




Using social media to grow a network is the ultimate return on investment. Network Lead Exchange explains how to use these tools to build a vibrant business network.


Social media is the easiest method for communicating with large groups of people in a short time. In business, there are appropriate social media platforms for all types. Every entrepreneur should use LinkedIn, but Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook provide exceptional utility depending on the type of business. Understanding the utility of social media helps entrepreneurs use these services for networking.

Deliver Value

The easiest way to get noticed on social media when networking is the delivery of value. Make sure every interaction leaves the other person with something positive to take away. Regardless of the platform, it’s imperative for potential connections to see the value of the interaction. It can be simple things like links to applicable content. Don’t try to hit homeruns with social media posts, hit a bunch of singles and doubles. The small drops of value accumulate to a flood.

Use the Right Platform

Many entrepreneurs make the mistake of using the wrong social media platform. For example, photographers and artists should have dedicated time to their Instagram feeds. The easiest way to find the right social media platform is to see what everyone else in the industry uses. That’s the simplest, best way to connect. Of course, LinkedIn is ubiquitous for all business networking, but there are other platforms providing excellent utility as well.

Plan Out Interactions

Growing social media isn’t a scattershot move. It’s calculated. The best social media marketers recommend posting at certain times of day. These times are when engagement is highest and potential contacts are likely to see the content. Furthermore, don’t post and interact randomly. Check it out and see exactly what’s there. It’s the best way to create posts when the creativity levels aren’t the highest. The best social media people are quite thorough in their planning. Imitate them.

There are plenty of opportunities for taking online social media interactions offline. These opportunities grow a network. Find great social media networking opportunities @ NETWORKLEADEXCHANGE.COM.