
How to Build a Network from the Contact List

By: Network Lead Exchange

How to Build a Network from the Contact List




Many people believe networking is about acquiring new contacts, but that’s not always the case. Network Lead Exchange explains why the contacts one already has are much more valuable than new prospects.


There’s an old saying that a bird in hand is worth two in the bush. The same is true of networking. The contacts a person already has are worth far more than the contacts they may acquire at the next event. The key is mining those contacts for maximum value. The hardest part of any relationship is making the introduction and becoming a contact. It’s much easier to develop an existing contact than it is to work on a new contact. Therefore, this is a great place to devote energy.

Invest Time

When looking through contacts, everyone has a basic understanding of who they are and what they do. The important thing is to learn more. Invite the person out for a lunch and talk about them. Learn about the different parts of their personal and professional life. Develop the connection and at the same time, bring value. Understand that value could be something as simple as great conversation. This is the simplest, easiest way to develop a contact.


Another task made easy with contacts already in the virtual rolodex is following up. Unlike an interview or a networking meeting where following up may feel awkward, with current contacts it feels like a normal thing to do. Make sure to reference the previous meeting and talk about future plans. The follow-up usually leads to different types of opportunities. The closer people become; the more access is gained to the different areas in which mutually beneficial relationships prosper.

Focus on Quality

It is better to have one good friend than five acquaintances. The same holds true in business. It’s better to have a few close contacts than hundreds of people barely known. Develop the relationships that matter. That’s not to say to avoid making acquaintances; instead prioritize people. Focus on the relationships providing nourishment for the career and for the person. If a person doesn’t offer the same level of value but provides warmth and empathy, that’s a relationship worth building. Quality is always the key in any endeavor.

A great place for developing contacts is a networking group. These groups are where people become friends and work together well. Get into the right group @ NETWORKLEADEXCHANGE.COM.