
How Giving is the Best Way to Grow a Network

By: Network Lead Exchange

How Giving is the Best Way to Grow a Network



The best way for people to see what a person is about is what they do when others aren’t watching. Network Lead Exchange explains how the power of giving is the ideal fuel for growing a network.


Intentionality is one of the best parts of life, and when it comes to doing anything, this direction creates the path to success. Giving is something done with great intent. Whether it’s time, money, resources, or some combination, giving is a great way to make a difference and connect. When it comes to networking, giving is one of the ideal ways for people to grow their network, because the foundation of the relationship is in selflessness.

Become Part of the Community

The greatest reward of giving is the feeling of giving. This is a simple yet effective way to become part of a larger community. Whether it is a business community or a local community, these ties run deep. People in a community take care of each other. Once a person is part of any type of community, they will have access to different people and resources to grow a network. Giving is one of the best ways to enmesh oneself within a community.

Deep Relationships

The great thing about giving is it shows selflessness. This type of selflessness deeply affects people. They’re likely to show gratitude and give back as well. When people have a common cause outside of business, it makes their business causes stronger. These deep ties matter because they reflect a person’s character. Growing a network is not about just growing the number of contacts, but growing people too. Therefore, it’s extremely important to give because the quality of relationships built is much stronger than if they were created at a business lunch.

The Joy of Service

The best part of giving is the feeling of being in service to others. This isn’t to glibly moralize, but rather to understand when people feel good, their goodness comes through and that aura creates connections. When in service, the joy of helping others is impossible to avoid. Instead, it’s important to immerse oneself in that joy. Be a part of the fun that is making people feel good. The others there in service notice as well, good feelings are created, great conversations are had. All because the pleasure of helping always eases the pressure of working.

There are plenty of great ways to get involved in the community. Join a network with an eye on the community @ NETWORKLEADEXCHANGE.COM.